The Importance of Maintaining Clean Air for Health

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Air is one of the substances most needed for the life of every creature on earth. With the presence of air, humans and living things can breathe and carry out their daily activities. But nowadays, especially in urban areas, getting clean air is very difficult because there are so many vehicles and factories there.

Many of us do not know that air pollution is very dangerous for health. The impact of air pollution not only causes various types of diseases, but also damage to the environment. To prevent adverse effects that may be caused by poor air quality, it is important for you to know how to keep the air clean, namely in the following ways.


Here's how you can keep the air quality in your home clean.

1. Clean the airways regularly

Air ducts do a lot of heavy duty cleaning every day. Over time they accumulate many pollutants. These pollutants can be dirt, dust, and fine debris. If left for a long time, mold can also develop in it. This buildup will greatly affect the cleaning capacity of the canal. This will then impact the air quality in the home negatively.

So it is important to get rid of this buildup inside the airways. You can clean it yourself, but it takes time and effort. For those of you who don't have time, you can call a professional to do this.


2. Keeping the house clean

Keeping the house clean will also help improve air quality. There are many things in the house that reduce air quality. Dust, dirt, mold and pet dander are some of them. You can vacuum and mop your house regularly to keep it clean.

You also have to pay attention to the trash that is in the house. Dispose of garbage regularly and separate organic waste that causes bad odors from ordinary waste.


3. Open windows more often

Windows that open facilitate better air circulation around the house. This will definitely improve the overall air quality in the house. This will also prevent mold in the house. Air trapped inside the house without proper air circulation can become very polluted. Therefore, it is bad for your health.

If you have lots of windows, open them all for a few moments (preferably in the morning) each day. This will enable a phenomenon called cross ventilation which will help freshen up the whole house in no time. Fresh air contributes not only to good health. It also lifts the mood. So make opening the occasional window a part of your daily routine.


4. Maintain healthy humidity levels

Healthy humidity levels are essential for maintaining healthy air quality. High humidity can cause mold and mildew which is bad for overall health, especially can damage the respiratory system. For that, it's a good idea to maintain the humidity level in the house as needed.


5. Reduce fragrances and various air fresheners

We all use various kinds of products to artificially freshen the air in our homes. But they only solve the problem temporarily. It's just hidden behind a pleasant fragrance.

Use an environmentally friendly air freshener, Anormal Homecare Spray Air Freshener. This is made of only 100% Natural Ingredients. Unlike most air fresheners in the market with an overpowering smell, this product helps to eradicate harmful particles and has a long-lasting odor removal effect.

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It is time to ensure clean and safe air quality at home for your loved ones. Get your now in Healtihabit website.

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