What Does Toner Do? Get to Know Your Skincare!

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Are you a beginner that tries to use skincare? Or do you want to have a fresh face? Or do you need something that can hydrate your face? Or are you embarking on a skincare journey? Introducing toner that can help your problem! Not only for beginners, here are everything that you must know about toner. From what is toner? What does toner do? To the toner benefits. In this article we will help you to get more information about it. Let's start!

What is Toner?

In the world of skincare, toner is a transformative elixir. It's a liquid-based or gel product applied to the face after cleansing, acting as a crucial intermediary step before moisturizing. Toner comes in various forms, but the purpose of toner is to prepare the skin for optimal absorption of subsequent skincare products. This multitasking hero excels in removing lingering impurities, oil, and makeup post-cleansing, ensuring a clean canvas for the skincare routine ahead.
From a bit of information there, we know toner has a crucial role for the step of skincare. Whereas, common people still confuse how to use toner, what are the benefits and when we must use it. So, to make you understand more about toner, keep scrolling!

What Does Toner Do For Your Face?

Essentially, a toner is a liquid, gel, or mist that you apply to your face following cleansing. Its primary purpose is to provide a multitude of benefits that collectively contribute to healthier, more vibrant skin. It works as the intermediary between cleansing and moisturizing, a crucial step in any skincare routine. At its core, toner accomplishes two fundamental tasks: 
  • Firstly, it effectively sweeps away any residual impurities, oil, or makeup that your cleanser might have missed. This final cleanse ensures that your skin is a pristine canvas, free from any barriers that could hinder the effectiveness of subsequent skincare products. 

  • Secondly, toner assists in rebalancing the skin's pH levels. By restoring this equilibrium, toner helps your skin feel refreshed, hydrated, and optimally prepared to absorb the nourishing goodness of your serums, moisturizers, and treatments. Thus, when pondering what toner does for your face, think of it as the essential bridge that leads to a brighter, more beautiful complexion.

How to Use Toner?

Probably you often ask the question when you want to apply toner. Like toner or serum first? Or toner or moisturizer first? Mostly the question is confused about stepping when using toner. However, we will help you to find a great way to make your face healthy. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use toner effectively:
  • First of all, you need to clean your face with a gentle cleanser to remove makeup, dirt, and impurities from your skin. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  • Then, you can apply the toner to your face. Don't forget to choose the best toner for your face. If you are a beginner, it's okay to trial and error to find the best one. Then, choose toner like what your skin needs. For it, you need to research the best toner for oily skin, or toner for sensitive skin, or the best toner for combination skin, or maybe you need aha bha toner, hydrating toner and others.
  • Next, continue with the rest of your skincare routine. Apply serums, moisturizers, and any other treatments while your skin is still slightly damp from the toner. This helps lock in moisture and enhances the absorption of subsequent products.
There is everything that you must know before using toner, especially for beginners. If you need recommendations for the best toner Singapore, take a look at Healti Habit. We offer the best Korean face toner which has been clinically tested. So, it is safe for your skin needs. Let's visit!

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